
October 1, 2014

Ryenne Ashley: 3 months

Today our little Ryenne Ashley turns 3 months old! It's so crazy to think that three months have gone by since we first saw her in the hospital, and yet, at the same time, it's hard to remember what life was like without her!
In the past week, Ryenne has been in an awfully big hurry to graduate from infancy and into babyhood. Last week as she hit 12 weeks, she entered into a major developmental growth spurt. Suddenly she was laughing, rolling over, jabbering non-stop, staring at her hands and feet, sucking her thumb, and batting at her toys. It seemed like overnight she went from being an infant unaware of the world around her, to a baby eagerly discovering herself and her surroundings for the first time.
As her mommy, I am torn between two reactions to this farewell to infancy and hello to babyhood: first, I feel as if the days are just slipping by faster and faster, without giving me a chance to really soak up this little girl before she grows up into a toddler, child, teenager, or adult! Never has time gone more quickly than it has since having Ryenne. But secondly, I find myself thanking God more and more everyday for what a joy Ryenne Ashley is to have in our lives. This isn't to say that in the past 3 months I wasn't thanking God for her, it's just that now she is becoming such a little person and it is so beautiful to watch her grow and learn and discover. My heart just fills up with gratitude at the privilege to see her change and grow before my eyes! She is so much fun to be around, and everyday we are able to interact with her more and more. Of course, she isn't perfect and she definitely has a sin nature already (so don't let that cute face fool you)! ;) But she's a little person, an infant no longer, a growing little baby... and she's ours for keeps!

Our girl - 10/1/2014
Life is such a beautiful thing. I can't fathom what an immensely powerful, creative, ingenious God we have who orchestrated all of these wonderful chapters and phases that we go through! From being a little girl myself, to growing up, working toward my own life goals of college and then teaching, falling in love, adventuring through life with my perfect match, getting married, establishing our home, carrying our first baby, and then having her and experiencing the joy of her go through all of life's beauties as well - life is so vast and magnificent and creative and fleeting and rich and dynamic! I don't see how anyone could experience it without knowing there has to be a Creator behind it all.
And... that's all :)

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